What's the difference between Ombré & Powder Brows and Soft Powder Brows?
Ombré & Powder Brow is designed to create a soft and natural looking eyebrows. Rather than using a block colour throughout the entire brow, this technique uses a soft diluted colour at the front of the brow and then slowly increases the gradient to produce a darker colour at the tail of the brow.
Soft Powder Brows -
Beautiful soft, natural brows. For that super soft finish with no strong lines, no sharp edges just a soft dusting of pigment through the brow area. Soft Powder Brows is a beautiful natural soft pixel effect adding definition and shape to the brows that soften down as it heals leaving that “just tinted” look to the brows.
They're both permanent makeup procedures. And basically Soft Powder Brows are lighter and softer than Ombre & Powder technique. They're more suitable for ladies who might not want their eyebrows being too defined or strong, or they don't wear makeup everyday.
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